

Jason Piccola Will there be an open registration for this event in the future?
October 4, 2022; 10:39am EDT
Ken Crane Yep! Click on registration tab. Opens November 7th.
October 4, 2022; 10:49am EDT
Geoffrey Butia When is the new registration date? Reg tab isn’t working
January 5, 2023; 6:02pm EST
John Tucci Registration for this rescheduled event is 1/16/2023 @8pm
January 5, 2023; 7:34pm EST
Mathew Brown This is Matthew Brown. I have a US membership
January 16, 2023; 8:05pm EST
Justin Hardie Justin Hardie has a US team membership.
January 16, 2023; 8:11pm EST
John Tucci Mathew no problem… we’ll get everything sorted out. Thank you for registering. Send everyone info later this week
January 16, 2023; 8:12pm EST
Justin Hardie I am not getting a link to pay the $25 fee
January 16, 2023; 8:13pm EST
John Tucci Justin, I’ll share this later this week with everyone. Thank you for registering.
January 16, 2023; 8:15pm EST
John Tucci Tommy, mops are allowed
January 26, 2023; 6:18am EST

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