

Benjamin VanDevender Event has been changed to a one day event due to interest.
February 2, 2024; 5:04am EST
Gabe Colon Registered but Need a partner. Also how do we submit payment? Still pretty new to the whole thing.
February 4, 2024; 4:12pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender Need payments sent in asap. Please send payments via venmo to Benvan77 to secure your spot
February 18, 2024; 10:46am EST
Michael Opels @Benjamin VanDevender - can I still sign up for this event?

@Gabe Colon - I'll partner with you and split cost if you are still needing partner.
February 18, 2024; 3:37pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender Yes still a spot open. May want to email or fb gabe
February 18, 2024; 3:37pm EST
CHRIS ABELLANA Partner: Stuart Schmidtke
February 20, 2024; 5:38pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender Still missing payments from few folks. Get paid up
February 27, 2024; 1:27pm EST
Lewis Hirsch My partner is Ben smith
February 29, 2024; 7:37pm EST
Lewis Hirsch My partner is Ben smith
February 29, 2024; 7:37pm EST
Joseph Kwolek Josh Kwolek is my partner.
February 29, 2024; 7:43pm EST
Zachary Nave Zack Nave- Michael Ward
Ty Lamb- Drew Phillips
February 29, 2024; 8:10pm EST
Zachary Nave Zack Nave- Michael Ward
Ty Lamb- Drew Phillips
February 29, 2024; 8:10pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender Big fish buy in $10 per angler. Cash on day of if you want in. Or venmo early to Benvan77.
March 1, 2024; 8:09am EST
Benjamin VanDevender Draw will be done through fly comps Thursday at 8pm.
March 3, 2024; 1:39pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender Montaluce on the Etowah- 501 HighTower Church Rd, Dahlonega, Ga (Off Hightower Church Road
Enter Montaluce (Via Toscana) Follow that tip it turns into Via Montaluce
Goto the (Round about) and stay straight on Strada De Vino
you will be passing the Winery/ Restaurant on the hill to your left, follow Strada De Vino all the way down the hill and park in the field.
(Phone service is good at the Winery/Restaurant)
March 4, 2024; 8:36am EST
Benjamin VanDevender Still a go for Saturday. We have potential for a severe passing thunderstorm Saturday. We follow FIPS rules when it comes to weather. To clarify that, lightning strikes institute a 15 min out of river no fish period. This time is not made up during the event, it's just lost time and a random inhibitor for anyone that it may occur to. Bring a rain jacket. (In the event montaluce is not fishable, refunds will be sent out on e the venue refunds me and I will do so as timely as possible.)

If Friday drops more rain than currently forecasted we will move event to Smith Creek DH and have an hour start delay to mark beats at the alt venue.

Draw will be done tonite on fly comps so check back here for the draw tab and you can screenshot the draw at 8pm.
March 7, 2024; 7:48am EST
Benjamin VanDevender If we use Smith Creek DH. You need a ga fishing license and trout stamp. You also need to sign-in at the Unicoi Lodge Reservation counter before driving to the creek.
Unicoi State Park
1788 GA-356, Helen, GA 30545
March 7, 2024; 8:06am EST
Benjamin VanDevender Draw is done. Got to click the draw tab up top to see and save.
March 7, 2024; 8:02pm EST
Benjamin VanDevender See updated session times under the sessions tab. This will allow a little later start to allow better visibility w the potential for higher water. Also added an hour lunch break w buffer for an expected mid day thunderstorm. Sessions are now 1.5 hours to accomplish this
March 8, 2024; 7:57am EST
Benjamin VanDevender Please meet at Smith Creek DH at Unicoi State Park this morning. If we can all get there earlier we will start earlier, if not 930 am start time.
River at montaluce is at 757 and riding at 345am.
Backup plan instituted.
March 9, 2024; 5:04am EST
CHRIS ABELLANA Morning anglers. Please check in at Uncoi State Park and Lodge before heading to Smith's Creek parking lot. You need to sign the register as an angler in the book.
The book will be on the brown lecturn in front of the building.

Address is:

1788 Highway 356
Helen, GA 30545

After checking in you will exit the complex by going back to the main road (Hwy 356) and ake a right. You will go to your next right and take a right onto Unicoi Bottoms Road. The parking lot will be on your left in 1/4 of a mile.

Call me if you get lost.

March 9, 2024; 5:38am EST
Joseph Kwolek Everyone needs a $5 parking pass too. You can get it at the check-in area where you have to sign the book.
March 9, 2024; 5:51am EST

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